Autrial WEG Group updates its management model

Picture Autrial WEG Group actualiza su modelo de gestión

Autrial WEG Group has successfully launched the third and final stage in the implementation of its management model thanks to the development of lean manufacturing actions in quality and production processes. The launch of this third stage represents a very positive milestone for our company. It has enabled us to obtain a better analysis of the situation and we have been able to apply this process to the integrated maintenance of the company. Part of this work has required a major commitment from both our team and our customers, but the effort has enabled us to create a genuine model for organisation, cleaning, and health and safety.

The objectives sought by the implementation of lean manufacturing at our company were key. Some of the areas for improvement on which we focused the implementation stage are:

  • Quality: we focused our objective on the search for zero defects, and identifying and resolving problems at source.
  • Optimisation: working on those actions that bring added value and safety nets, streamlining the use of resources.
  • Ongoing improvement: cost optimisation, improved quality, increased productivity and shared information.
  • Flexibility: manufacturing products quickly and efficiently in search of greater efficiency and management based on production volumes.

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